Depression: – The Do’s and Don’ts


The World Health Organization (WHO) has played an exceptional role in monitoring the global health indexes since its inception. It has organized many campaigns globally to make sure that health persists in every country.

April 7 is celebrated as the World Health Day. Under this initiative of the WHO, a common health problem is chosen annually and awareness about the same is spread all over the world. This year, depression is the problem which is being highlighted.

In yet another saddening incident, Arjun Bhardwaj, a 19 year old student from Mumbai who was a victim of substance abuse and depression committed suicide by jumping out of his hotel room. He went live on Facebook while in his room at Taj Lands End, Bandra, where he spoke about ways to commit suicide. Minutes later, he jumped from his room window and breathed his last while undergoing treatment. A note was found in his room upon inspection revealed minute details about the incident.

A common Joe would define depression as a state of constant sadness which lasts for a particularly long period.  It is, however, much more than that.

Clinical depression is diagnosed if the symptoms last for more than a fortnight. It is commonly accompanied by constant tiredness, lack of interest and taking no pleasure in work and life.

The signs and symptoms of depression must never be ignored although, if seen on someone else, must immediately be taken care of. They include:

  • Persistent sad and anxious mood
  • Hopeless and Pessimistic attitude
  • Irritability
  • Feeling helpless and worthless
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
  • Decreased energy or fatigue
  • Moving or talking slower than usual
  • Restlessness and difficulty in sitting still
  • Concentration and decision making problems
  • Sleeping problems (Over sleeping and Insomnia)
  • Swinging of the average weight
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease even with treatment

However, it must be noted that not every person diagnosed with depression would face every symptom.

A person may face major life changes once diagnosed. The risk factor includes changes in :

  • A person’s professional life
  • Personal lives of everyone close to the diagnosed person
  • The person’s perception about his/her own life, be it the past or the upcoming future
  • Attitudinal changes

Unlike the common misconception, the cure for depression does not lie in keeping the diagnosed happy and cheerful. There is a lot more to it, and may even include major treatments.


Many medications are available which claim to cure depression. However, only are few have been approved by the medics as safe for consumption. Consultation and prescriptions are mandatory before purchasing any medications for depression.


Also known as talk therapy, if done under the guidance of a professional, can greatly help is curing depression.

Brain Simulation

Brain simulation therapies may be used if medications and psychotherapy does not work. Also known as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT),  it has been proven to help the patients in cases when  other methods do not work.

Depression is a deadly, yet common issue. Many celebrities too have suffered from depression in the past. A few of them include:

JK Rowling

The author of the global phenomenon Harry Potter series suffered from depression before writing the books, due to problems in her personal life and feeling of hopelessness.

Deepika Padukone

The sensational actress was diagnosed with depression in 2014, following the death of one of her closest friends.

Robin Williams

Robin William’s suicide in 2014 shocked the Hollywood industry. He was a victim of depression and substance abuse.

Pratyusha Banerjee

The household name ‘Anandi’, actress Pratyusha Banerjee was one of the biggest faces in the Indian Television industry. Her personal life problems resulted in depression which ended with her committing suicide by hanging herself from a ceiling fan at her Mumbai residence.

Lilly Singh

Indo- Canadian YouTube sensation Lilly Singh aka Superwoman is one of Internet’s most famous motivational speakers. She started making YouTube videos as a defence mechanism to cope up with depression and successfully overcame it. She rose to fame and now helps youngsters cope up with depression.

One must always remember that there is always someone who cares and must immediately approach someone they trust if any of the symptoms are seen.

24×7 help lines are available for those who are diagnosed.

One can send an anonymous e-mail to or call on their helpline :- 78930 78930

Sampurna Montfort College, a counselling institute, will launch a 24/7 hotline (080) 25285555 to mark World Suicide Prevention Day

Befrienders India – National Association, Chennai

  • Lifeline Foundation
    Hotline: +91 33 2474 4704
    Hotline: +91 33 2474 5886
    Hotline: 2474 5255
    Hotline: +91 22 2754 6669
    Hotline: +91-413-339999
    Hotline:+91 79 2630 5544
    Hotline: +91 79 2630 0222
  • Sumaitri
    Hotline: 2338 9090
    Website: org
  • MAITHRI – Cochin
    Hotline: +91 239 6272
    E-mail Helpline:


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