The Importance of Communication In Relationships

communication in relationship

Lack of communication is one of the main reasons why couples break up and friends disconnect even after years together. Communication helps us understand the other person better, and convey our needs to one and other.

When communication stops in a relationship, especially at a young age, there is a sense of rejection that both partners feel early on. We feel like we aren’t loved anymore and start to distance ourselves or play games to get their attention. There is a lack of empathy for one another, and often other peoples’ opinions starting countering for more. There is a sense of dismay, lack of trust and overall low feeling in the partner’s minds

Scientists and Psychologist in the US have done studies to prove that marriage and relationships break up because of a long list of reasons. However one of the factors that bind these reasons is lack of communication and lack of honesty

If one partner favours a particular team, the other may also show liking towards that team because they feel like compatibility will take a toll if they don’t. You don’t always have to match in terms of interest and preferences. It’s okay to like opposing teams, or have varying food preferences. We also tend to project a ‘happy’ image of ourselves on social media to get back at our partner when the relationship breaks down, when deep down the scars are still fresh and you miss them terribly.

Tinder has changed the way we date, but we must understand that we’re all the same. We all want love, need affection and togetherness and Tinder gives options, but not feelings. You can’t just break up over a small fight because it’s ‘trendy’ nor can you can’t use “I’m being myself” as an excuse to break up.

However, the opposite also stands true – you must break up if the relationship is harmful and is creating problems in both partner’s lives. If communication can’t solve the problem then you must break up, so that you may at least part with memories of your time together.

All in all, communication is the key to understanding your partner’s deeper needs in life. Whether they want to settle down, or travel the world, your partner will tell you – but you have to listen. This is something we often tend to forget. Everyone wants to be right, but no one wants to listen to the argument.

From time to time, we tend to become arrogant as our egos get hurt when we have fights with our partners. It’s okay to ensure that our voices are heard but also ensure that both parties feel content in the end. This is only possible through effective communication.

Don’t end the relationship because it seems the easy way out. Focus on creating happiness, wealth and joy for your partner and yourself in order to lead a happier and healthier life. There is no harm in admitting when you’ve gone wrong and there’s no harm in forgiving your partner for something they’ve done wrong. As long as the two of you have no communication barriers among yourselves, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a happy ending.


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