Star Struck August 2013


Popular Bollywood Vedic astrologer, Ajai Rai Madan, takes you through your starry forecast this month

ARIES:  MAR 21- APR 20

You may feel just a little unsettled or for that matter even plain anxious without any apparent justification. Things will be on the mend soon. Areas of social justice and humanitarian causes will interest you further. Your association with influential people will rise but you will also have to be very careful about maintaining just the right equation with them. A ready willingness to experiment with new possibilities that pop up would bring gains and usher in exciting new vistas for you.

Lucky numbers: 1, 9

Lucky colour: Purple

Lucky love dates: 11, 29


Your determination to put in your best will go a long way towards enhancing your reputation as somebody who means business and can cope with both familiar and unfamiliar situations. New factors in the background are likely to give a boost to your affairs in the personal sphere giving ample opportunities for fostering new ties. You will be able to find new and innovative ways of tapping the market and increasing your profits plus also strengthening your market image.

Lucky numbers: 3, 8

Lucky colour: Crimson

Lucky love dates: 19, 23


You will be able to articulate your thoughts and ideas in a most impressive manner and your responses to ideas tossed by others will be sharp and relevant. A new motivation to achieve your targets will take root in your consciousness and guide you towards some unexpected new beginnings. The changes and transformation that are set into motion as a result are likely to be must swifter than before enabling you to savor love and romance the way you want to with far greater frequency.

Lucky numbers: 5, 10

Lucky colour: Rust

Lucky love dates:  14, 31


Keep your cool and avoid pitching your expectations too high. Even though there will be distinct improvements, yet now is the perfect time to calmly make moves to clinch something extraordinary and thus strengthen your position. Old friends and companions, as well as new acquaintances will demand your attention. Greater tranquility will ensure minimum tensions in times to come. Interactions, conferences and collaborations will be highlighted in no small measure.

Lucky numbers: 2, 6

Lucky colour: Black

Lucky love dates: 12, 28

LEO:  JUL 23- AUG 23

Spending quality time with your near and dear ones will bring unforgettable experiences together with the much needed emotional security. You will succeed not just in honoring commitments in a noteworthy fashion but also in securing new and important toeholds for the future. A marked improvement in your administrative abilities will enable you to cash in on the potential of new situations at your place of work besides also enabling the fostering of warm relations with colleagues.

Lucky numbers: 4, 7

Lucky colour: Silver

Lucky love dates: 16, 30

VIRGO:  AUG 24- SEP 23

Several choices and options will make you confident and on the ball and there is no doubt that you will be able to opt for the right course. By making your role and expectations very clear in the beginning itself, important and crucial business meetings will turn out to be more productive. It is vital now to stay on top of situations and maintain the momentum you’ve built up. Be vary of people who will warn you against adopting too bold an approach as you have the potential to meet challenges.

Lucky numbers:  5,  8

Lucky colour:  Magenta

Lucky love dates:  13, 24

LIBRA:  SEP 24- OCT 23

The time is right to add more punch to whatever you are implementing. This means that you will also have to get a move on with new ideas simmering in your mind in addition to looking again at ideas you had set aside some time ago. The right combination of diplomacy and tact will give you the opportunity to demonstrate how challenging situations can be turned into winning ones. With known parameters the quality of your inputs will undergo a noticeable improvement.

Lucky numbers: 1, 6

Lucky colour: Aquamarine

Lucky love dates: 18, 20


If you have been facing question marks in your own mind or if the progress is a bit too slow for your liking and you are looking for new challenges then greater concentration and alacrity will provide you with that additional and much needed dynamic touch. Seniors and colleagues will not be very forthcoming and as such it would be pointless at this point to sound them about the ideas you’re planning to implement. You may have plough a lonely furrow for some more time.

Lucky numbers: 3, 9

Lucky colour:  Turquoise

Lucky love dates:  15, 22


While progress is highlighted, it would be advisable to seek additional information before continuing with something which you have been pursuing intently for a while now. By ensuring change of your approaches to suit new situations you will be able to remain in a strong situation and extract rewards from even the most unpromising scenarios. Be open to working behind the scenes and sharing credit as this will give greater momentum to your plans and generate goodwill.

Lucky numbers:  4, 10

Lucky colour:  Auburn

Lucky love dates:  17, 25


You will find yourself coping with diverse tasks in addition to updating yourself about whatever developments are in the process of taking place. Make use of current opportunities by developing them qualitatively and quickly. Besides doing this bit there will be unprecedented openings to chart a viable course for yourself along with being able to tap and capitalize on your skills to a greater extent. Keeping your chin up when the going gets tough will inspire faith in co-workers.

Lucky numbers: 2, 7

Lucky colour:  Beige

Lucky love dates: 20, 27


You may feel just a little unsettled or disillusioned without any apparent justification. Things will be on the mend soon. Areas of social justice and humanitarian causes will interest you further. Your association with influential people will rise but you will also have to be very careful about maintaining just the right equation with them. A ready willingness to experiment with promising new possibilities that pop up would bring gains and usher in exciting new vistas for you.

Lucky numbers:  3, 6

Lucky colour: Bottle green

Lucky love dates: 18, 26


You will be at your expressive best and will score in packaging your presentation in a most appealing fashion thus winning over even those who are in two minds. Astute negotiations at your end will ensure absolute non-interference from people at the policy making level or those who hold the purse strings. New factors in the background are likely to give a boost to your affairs in the personal sphere giving ample opportunities for fostering new and cordial ties.

Lucky numbers: 1, 5

Lucky colour:  Bronze

Lucky love dates:  15, 23




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