Why Me?



Have you often found yourself screaming, fighting and overreacting to any situation for no reason at all? Chill! It’s normal. Every person goes through such a phase. From the school desk to the office desk, and from the first pimple to the first wrinkle, stress and frustration is always present, but it’s safe as long as it is controlled and not allowed to erupt suddenly. It is supposed to be removed from the mind, but in a way that is silent yet beneficial. It should be put to constructive use and should not be allowed to stray on to the destructive path.
Dr Henal Shah, associate professor at the Department of Psychiatry, TN Medical College, has put together some tips to help youngsters deal with frustration with a positive attitude.

Know Why?
Frustration can be caused due to anything and everything. From chipping your nail to failing a test, it can arise anytime. In adolescents, it is mainly due to peer and parental pressure and pressure to win the rat race.
Parental pressure occurs when one’s folks have too many expectations from the child or if the parents are overprotective. What some parents fail to understand is that just like a butterfly must break free from the cocoon one day, their child too has to explore the world on his own. Sadly, peer pressure comes from the very source that a teenager relies on the most–friends. One has many friends–some might have a bad influence on you and some might rub off well. It all depends on how you choose your company. Lastly, the pressure from studies is what everyone knows the best. Today, the rat race has become an integral part of our lives; winning it or losing it decides the course. But not only from parents and society but also from one’s self to prove to the world one’s mettle.

How to Tackle it Immediately?

  • Identify what gets you angry. From the list, (box to the right) find your symptoms, be aware of them and avoid them if you can.
  • If you can’t control your anger, walk away from the situation. Walking away is not an act of cowardice.
  • Learn to say no to things that you don’t find right.
  • Distract yourself every time you know you might get angry. Think about something pleasant or funny.
  • Look at the funny side of things. Laugh off petty matters before they reach the heart and mind. Being optimistic helps to control your frustration in the long run.
  • When your anger’s about to erupt, take one step back and look at the bigger picture.
  • Look at things from the other person’s perspective. Step into their shoes for a moment.

Tips to Relieve Frustration

  • Not only does dancing keep you physically fit but also mentally charged.
  • Listening to motivational and upbeat songs helps a lot.
  • Chant OM thrice with deep long breaths every time you get hyper.
  • Practice yoga.
  • Write a poem or an account about why you are angry.
  • Read books on channelising your energy.
  • Indulge in sports.
  • Associate yourself with community work, such as visiting orphanages, teaching poor children, etc.

Identify it

  • Do you always scream at your family or friends?
  • Do you resort to breaking or throwing things?
  • Do you fight with siblings for unnecessary things?
  • Do you crib for petty issues?
  • Do you over eat when angry or nervous?
  • Do you indulge in strange activities to attract attention?

If you can identify with two or more of these symptoms right now, then you have a low frustration threshold. Deal with it now!

Volume 2 Issue 1



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